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The working group was founded in 2003 at Clausthal University of Technology. After a 10-year stay at the University of Paderborn, we have been back at the TUC since 2019. For more information on the individual persons, such as CVs, click on the respective card.


Prof. Dr. René Wilhelm

Chair holder 

Telephone: +49-5323-72-2040

Silke Baumgarten

Administrative employee 

Telephone: +49-5323-72-2026

Research assistants and doctoral students

MSc Mariia Babkova


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2843

MSc Samuel Lukas Brauckschulze


Telephone:  +49-5323-72-2391

MSc Carlo Caianiello


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2501

MSc Kimia Hoseinzade


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2192

MSC Daniel Kamzol


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2836

MSc Armin Meier


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2847

MSc Felix Pippert


Telephone: +49-5323-72-3761

MSc Kevin Stefanoni


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2308

MSc Sukanya Sukanya


Telephone:  +49-5323-72-2391


BSc Mohsen Bahramiveleshkolaei


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2841
Room:  307 B

BSc Wende Chen


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2841
Raum:  307 B

Technical employees

Marko Spillner


Telephone: +49-5323-72-2192

Maike Weigert

Chemical laboratory assistant

Telephone: +49-5323-72-2839

Former postdocs

Dr. Safinaz Sahin2022 Erasmus PhD, TU Clausthal
Dr. Marta Rosenthal2019 Investigation of reduction reactions using TiO2-graphene composites , Postdoc, U Paderborn
Dr. Milan M. Milutinovic2019 Kinetic Studies with Biomolecules on Organometallic Complexes. postdoc, U Paderborn
Dr. Johanna Hummel2011 New chiral stationary phases for chromatography Postdoc, U Paderborn
Dr. Purna Bhavnari2008 Investigation of new Carbon-Nanomaterials , Postdoc, TU Clausthal
Dr. P. Vasu G. Reddy2008 Synthesis of Camphor based Carbene Ligands , Postdoc and Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, TU Clausthal


Completed doctoral theses

Dr. Niklas Feuge2024 Untersuchung von neuen neutralen und ionischen Wirt-Gast-Systemen. Dissertation, 2024, TU Clausthal
Dr. Milan M. Milutinovic2018 Synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes: Kinetic investigation with biomolecules, DNA/BSA binding abilities and cytotoxic studies. Dissertation, 2018, U Paderborn
Dr. Marta Rosenthal2018 Representation and application of new photocatalysts based on functionalized graphene (derivatives). Dissertation, 2018, U Paderborn
Dr. Maren Muntzeck2017 Investigation of iron- and ruthenium-based systems for C-H-activated oxidative coupling reactions with ionic liquids. Dissertation, 2017, U Paderborn
Dr. Eduard Rais2017 New carbene ligands for chiral metathesis catalysts. Dissertation, 2017, U Paderborn
Dr. Dagny D. Konieczna2016 Development of New Photocatalytic Systems for Sustainable Applications. Dissertation, 2016, U Paderborn
Dr. Magdalena Uzarewicz- Baig2015 Synthesis of New Ligands Based on Camphoric Acid. Dissertation, 2015, U Paderborn
Dr. Maximilian Koppenwallner2013 N-heterocyclic six-ring carbenes based on enantiomerically pure camphoric acid Dissertation, 2013, U Paderborn
Dr. Tatjana Heckel2013 Representation and investigation of new organocatalytic systems and new chiral ionic liquids. Dissertation, 2013, U Paderborn
Dr. Andreas Winkel2011 Synthesis of new chiral ionic liquids and their investigation in chiral detection. Dissertation, 2011, TU Clausthal
Dr. Sobia Tabassum2010 New Chiral Carbene Precursors for Catalysis and Chiral Recognition. Dissertation, 2010, TU Clausthal
Dr. Oksana Sereda2009 Development of Novel Lewis Acid and Lewis Base Organocatalysts and Their Application in the Synthesis of Biologically Active Compounds. Dissertation, 2009, TU Clausthal
Dr. Mazhar Amjad Gilani2009 Development of Novel Chiral Imidazolinium Salts and Their Application in Asymmetric Catalysis Dissertation, 2009, TU Clausthal
Dr. Dheeraj Jain2007 Synthesis, Modification and Application of Carbon Nanotubes. Dissertation, 2007, TU Clausthal
Dr. Amélie Blanrue2007 Preparation of New Lewis Bases and Their Application in Catalysis. Dissertation, 2007, TU Clausthal
Dr. Václav Jurčík2006 Development and Application of Novel Metal Free Lewis Acids and Pseudo Lewis Acids Dissertation, 2006, TU Clausthal

Completed MSc and diploma theses

MSc Burak Savci2021 Functionalization of Graphene Oxides with Carbene Precursors and Carbene Complexes. MSc Thesis, 2021, TU Clausthal
MSc Samuel L. Schafforz2019 Investigation of camphor-based amine derivatives in C-H activation. MSc Thesis, 2019, U Paderborn
MSc Felix Pippert2019 Evaluation of ionic liquids in the C-H activation of pyridine derivatives. MSc Thesis, 2019, U Paderborn
MSc Xiao Fu2018 Investigation of new TiO2-graphene composites for a light-catalyzed pinacol reaction. MSc Thesis, 2018, U Paderborn
MSc Harry Biller2017 Synthesis and investigation of new pyridine-based dyes. MSc Thesis, 2017, U Paderborn
MSc Minghui Tang2016 Synthesis and investigation of dyes from amidinium dithiocarboxylates and alkynes via [3+2] cycloadditions. MSc Thesis, 2016, U Paderborn
MSc Marta Karsznia2014 Representation and functionalization of graphene. MSc Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn
MSc Maren Muntzeck2014 Studies on asymmetric reactions with chiral ionic liquids. MSc Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn
MSc Gerwin Weigel2013 Investigation of the catalytic activity of graphene and metal-containing ionic liquids. MSc Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn
MSc Dagny Konieczna2013 Application of Ionic Liquids in the Heterogeneous Photoreduction ofCO2 on TiO2 and Studies of New Dyes Based on Imidazolium-Carbodithioates. MSc Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn
MSc Eduard Rais2013 Synthesis and investigation of novel bromamidinium salts. MSc Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn
MSc Guillermo Blanchard2012 New Chiral Carbenes for Titanium Catalysed Reactions. MSc Thesis, 2012, U Paderborn
MSc Hendrik Schäfer2012 Carbene catalyzed addition of TMS derivatives to aldehydes. MSc Thesis, 2012, U Paderborn
Dipl.-Chem. Andreas Winkel2006 Synthesis of carbon nanoparticles from iron-arene complexes. Diploma Thesis, 2006, TU Clausthal
Dipl.-Chem. Christian Torborg2006 Preparation and Application of Novel N-C-N-Carbene Ligands. Diploma Thesis, 2006, TU Clausthal
Dipl.-Chem. Nicole Clemens2005 Preparation of Chiral Imidazolinium Salts with Electron Withdrawing Groups and Their Exploration in Organocatalysis. Diploma Thesis, 2005, TU Clausthal

Completed BSc theses

BSc Wende Chen2023 Investigation of the Influence of Transition-Metal Complexes with New Carbene Ligands on Hydrogenation Reactions. Bachelor Thesis, 2023, TU Clausthal
BSc Stefanie Becker2019 Functionalization of graphene oxide with deep eutectic solvents. Bachelor Thesis, 2019, U Paderborn
BSc Fangying Liu2017 Synthesis of chiral ionic liquids and their application as chiral NMR solvents. Bachelor Thesis, 2017, U Paderborn
BSc Felix Pippert2017 NMR investigation of diastereomeric aggregates in chiral recognition with quinine derivatives. Bachelor Thesis, 2017, U Paderborn
BSc Florian Hoffmann2014 Representation of chiral and achiral ruthenium-NHC complexes for olefin metathesis. Bachelor Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn
BSc Bastian Seidelmeier2014 Synthesis of Some Chiral Diazaphosphinane-2-oxides from Camphoric Acid and Their Investigation in 1,4-Additions. Bachelor Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn
BSc Harry Biller2014 Synthesis and characterization of a new photosensitizer based on pyridine. Bachelor Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn
BSc Tianyu Wu2013 Synthesis of new ionic liquids based on nicotine. Bachelor Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn
BSc Max Borgolte2013 Synthesis of New Chiral Phosphorous Acid Diamides from Camphoric Acid. Bachelor Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn
BSc Jiaqi Jia2013 Preparation and investigation of some carbene precursors based on camphoric acid. Bachelor Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn
BSc Patrik Schnippering2012 Functionalization of silica gel with phosphonic acids. Bachelor Thesis, 2012, U Paderborn
BSc Markus Schmitz2012 Investigation of new anchor groups for silica gel. Bachelor Thesis, 2012, U Paderborn
BSc Gerwin Weigel2011 Investigation of new Lewis bases for catalysis. Bachelor Thesis, 2011, U Paderborn
BSc Dagny Konieczna2011 Investigation of the organocatalytic properties of chitosan in ionic liquids. Bachelor Thesis, 2011, U Paderborn
BSc Eduard Rais2011 Camphor-based carbenes with morpholine or sulfide side groups as potential multidentate ligands. Bachelor Thesis, 2011, U Paderborn