Former postdocs
Dr. Safinaz Sahin | 2022 Erasmus PhD, TU Clausthal |
Dr. Marta Rosenthal | 2019 Investigation of reduction reactions using TiO2-graphene composites , Postdoc, U Paderborn |
Dr. Milan M. Milutinovic | 2019 Kinetic Studies with Biomolecules on Organometallic Complexes. postdoc, U Paderborn |
Dr. Johanna Hummel | 2011 New chiral stationary phases for chromatography Postdoc, U Paderborn |
Dr. Purna Bhavnari | 2008 Investigation of new Carbon-Nanomaterials , Postdoc, TU Clausthal |
Dr. P. Vasu G. Reddy | 2008 Synthesis of Camphor based Carbene Ligands , Postdoc and Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, TU Clausthal |
Completed doctoral theses
Dr. Niklas Feuge | 2024 Untersuchung von neuen neutralen und ionischen Wirt-Gast-Systemen. Dissertation, 2024, TU Clausthal |
Dr. Milan M. Milutinovic | 2018 Synthesis and characterization of transition metal complexes: Kinetic investigation with biomolecules, DNA/BSA binding abilities and cytotoxic studies. Dissertation, 2018, U Paderborn |
Dr. Marta Rosenthal | 2018 Representation and application of new photocatalysts based on functionalized graphene (derivatives). Dissertation, 2018, U Paderborn |
Dr. Maren Muntzeck | 2017 Investigation of iron- and ruthenium-based systems for C-H-activated oxidative coupling reactions with ionic liquids. Dissertation, 2017, U Paderborn |
Dr. Eduard Rais | 2017 New carbene ligands for chiral metathesis catalysts. Dissertation, 2017, U Paderborn |
Dr. Dagny D. Konieczna | 2016 Development of New Photocatalytic Systems for Sustainable Applications. Dissertation, 2016, U Paderborn |
Dr. Magdalena Uzarewicz- Baig | 2015 Synthesis of New Ligands Based on Camphoric Acid. Dissertation, 2015, U Paderborn |
Dr. Maximilian Koppenwallner | 2013 N-heterocyclic six-ring carbenes based on enantiomerically pure camphoric acid Dissertation, 2013, U Paderborn |
Dr. Tatjana Heckel | 2013 Representation and investigation of new organocatalytic systems and new chiral ionic liquids. Dissertation, 2013, U Paderborn |
Dr. Andreas Winkel | 2011 Synthesis of new chiral ionic liquids and their investigation in chiral detection. Dissertation, 2011, TU Clausthal |
Dr. Sobia Tabassum | 2010 New Chiral Carbene Precursors for Catalysis and Chiral Recognition. Dissertation, 2010, TU Clausthal |
Dr. Oksana Sereda | 2009 Development of Novel Lewis Acid and Lewis Base Organocatalysts and Their Application in the Synthesis of Biologically Active Compounds. Dissertation, 2009, TU Clausthal |
Dr. Mazhar Amjad Gilani | 2009 Development of Novel Chiral Imidazolinium Salts and Their Application in Asymmetric Catalysis Dissertation, 2009, TU Clausthal |
Dr. Dheeraj Jain | 2007 Synthesis, Modification and Application of Carbon Nanotubes. Dissertation, 2007, TU Clausthal |
Dr. Amélie Blanrue | 2007 Preparation of New Lewis Bases and Their Application in Catalysis. Dissertation, 2007, TU Clausthal |
Dr. Václav Jurčík | 2006 Development and Application of Novel Metal Free Lewis Acids and Pseudo Lewis Acids Dissertation, 2006, TU Clausthal |
Completed MSc and diploma theses
MSc Burak Savci | 2021 Functionalization of Graphene Oxides with Carbene Precursors and Carbene Complexes. MSc Thesis, 2021, TU Clausthal |
MSc Samuel L. Schafforz | 2019 Investigation of camphor-based amine derivatives in C-H activation. MSc Thesis, 2019, U Paderborn |
MSc Felix Pippert | 2019 Evaluation of ionic liquids in the C-H activation of pyridine derivatives. MSc Thesis, 2019, U Paderborn |
MSc Xiao Fu | 2018 Investigation of new TiO2-graphene composites for a light-catalyzed pinacol reaction. MSc Thesis, 2018, U Paderborn |
MSc Harry Biller | 2017 Synthesis and investigation of new pyridine-based dyes. MSc Thesis, 2017, U Paderborn |
MSc Minghui Tang | 2016 Synthesis and investigation of dyes from amidinium dithiocarboxylates and alkynes via [3+2] cycloadditions. MSc Thesis, 2016, U Paderborn |
MSc Marta Karsznia | 2014 Representation and functionalization of graphene. MSc Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn |
MSc Maren Muntzeck | 2014 Studies on asymmetric reactions with chiral ionic liquids. MSc Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn |
MSc Gerwin Weigel | 2013 Investigation of the catalytic activity of graphene and metal-containing ionic liquids. MSc Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn |
MSc Dagny Konieczna | 2013 Application of Ionic Liquids in the Heterogeneous Photoreduction ofCO2 on TiO2 and Studies of New Dyes Based on Imidazolium-Carbodithioates. MSc Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn |
MSc Eduard Rais | 2013 Synthesis and investigation of novel bromamidinium salts. MSc Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn |
MSc Guillermo Blanchard | 2012 New Chiral Carbenes for Titanium Catalysed Reactions. MSc Thesis, 2012, U Paderborn |
MSc Hendrik Schäfer | 2012 Carbene catalyzed addition of TMS derivatives to aldehydes. MSc Thesis, 2012, U Paderborn |
Dipl.-Chem. Andreas Winkel | 2006 Synthesis of carbon nanoparticles from iron-arene complexes. Diploma Thesis, 2006, TU Clausthal |
Dipl.-Chem. Christian Torborg | 2006 Preparation and Application of Novel N-C-N-Carbene Ligands. Diploma Thesis, 2006, TU Clausthal |
Dipl.-Chem. Nicole Clemens | 2005 Preparation of Chiral Imidazolinium Salts with Electron Withdrawing Groups and Their Exploration in Organocatalysis. Diploma Thesis, 2005, TU Clausthal |
Completed BSc theses
BSc Wende Chen | 2023 Investigation of the Influence of Transition-Metal Complexes with New Carbene Ligands on Hydrogenation Reactions. Bachelor Thesis, 2023, TU Clausthal |
BSc Stefanie Becker | 2019 Functionalization of graphene oxide with deep eutectic solvents. Bachelor Thesis, 2019, U Paderborn |
BSc Fangying Liu | 2017 Synthesis of chiral ionic liquids and their application as chiral NMR solvents. Bachelor Thesis, 2017, U Paderborn |
BSc Felix Pippert | 2017 NMR investigation of diastereomeric aggregates in chiral recognition with quinine derivatives. Bachelor Thesis, 2017, U Paderborn |
BSc Florian Hoffmann | 2014 Representation of chiral and achiral ruthenium-NHC complexes for olefin metathesis. Bachelor Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn |
BSc Bastian Seidelmeier | 2014 Synthesis of Some Chiral Diazaphosphinane-2-oxides from Camphoric Acid and Their Investigation in 1,4-Additions. Bachelor Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn |
BSc Harry Biller | 2014 Synthesis and characterization of a new photosensitizer based on pyridine. Bachelor Thesis, 2014, U Paderborn |
BSc Tianyu Wu | 2013 Synthesis of new ionic liquids based on nicotine. Bachelor Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn |
BSc Max Borgolte | 2013 Synthesis of New Chiral Phosphorous Acid Diamides from Camphoric Acid. Bachelor Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn |
BSc Jiaqi Jia | 2013 Preparation and investigation of some carbene precursors based on camphoric acid. Bachelor Thesis, 2013, U Paderborn |
BSc Patrik Schnippering | 2012 Functionalization of silica gel with phosphonic acids. Bachelor Thesis, 2012, U Paderborn |
BSc Markus Schmitz | 2012 Investigation of new anchor groups for silica gel. Bachelor Thesis, 2012, U Paderborn |
BSc Gerwin Weigel | 2011 Investigation of new Lewis bases for catalysis. Bachelor Thesis, 2011, U Paderborn |
BSc Dagny Konieczna | 2011 Investigation of the organocatalytic properties of chitosan in ionic liquids. Bachelor Thesis, 2011, U Paderborn |
BSc Eduard Rais | 2011 Camphor-based carbenes with morpholine or sulfide side groups as potential multidentate ligands. Bachelor Thesis, 2011, U Paderborn |