On this page, students will find information and guidelines on various internships. They can be downloaded as a PDF file.
Guidelines for practical courses
Guidelines for the practical course "Organic Chemistry for Chemical Engineers"
Guidelines for the OCF Master practical course
Guidelines for the organic chemistry basic course and organic chemical analyses
Guidelines OC-Basic course and OC-analysis
Guidelines for the organic chemistry practical course C
Guidelines for the practical course "Organic Materials Chemistry"
EMP script for the organic materials chemistry practical course
Safety primer and safety exams
Safety guide for the OCF/OCC practical course in German
Safety guide for the OCF/OCC practical course in English
Safety exam for the OCF/OCC practical course, version alpha
Security exam for the OCF/OCC internship, version beta
Security exam for the OCF/OCC practical course, gamma version
Security exam, Int. ed. Engl.
Risk assessment according to GefStoffV
"Safety sheet" for the OC A practical course
Template report for F internship protocols
Template report OC C/F Transesterification
Template report OC C/F Chiral Anime
Template report OC C/F Analysis
Template report OC C/F Protodecarboxylation
This DOC file is intended for downloading and serves as the basis for all protocols to be submitted !!!
Sample template for organic chemical analyses
This PDF file serves as a basis for the preparation of an analysis report
Sample template for the basic organic chemistry practical course
This PDF file serves as the basis for the preparation of a protocol for the basic organic chemistry practical course
Example laboratory notebook entry
Example of special operating instructions for 1-bromobutane
Sample template for the practical course "Organic Materials Chemistry"
This PDF file serves as a basis for the preparation of a protocol for the practical course Organic Materials Chemistry
Sample template for the "Organic chemistry practical course for chemical engineers"
Sample template for the"Organic chemistry practical coursefor business chemistry"
This PDF file serves as the basis for the preparation of a protocol for the organic chemistry practical course for chemical engineers